Second Chances ~ 4 May 2013

In the next weeks an amazing opportunity for all to embrace a second chance, shed regrets and celebrate a new beginning appears as Jupiter moves into multiple beneficial patterns. If you’re in, raise both hands - Jupiter is in duplicitous Gemini - make sure you get counted.

It all begins on May 13th as Jupiter opposes the Kuiper Belt Object, Ixion. In the mythic tales of old, Ixion was a bad boy. He killed his future father-in-law upon receiving the dowry for his upcoming marriage. Everyone wanted Ixion killed, seeking eye for eye justice. But Zeus/Jupiter stepped in and gave him a second chance. He was taken to Mount Olympus where he received the benefit of the healers. All was well until Ixion took a liking to Hera, Zeus’ wife. When he boasted that he had relations with her, Jupiter set up a trap. He fashioned a cloud to look like Hera and when Ixion attempted to interact with it, Jupiter sent him reeling through the sky, propelled by bolts of lightning, and banished him to the bowels of hell, Tartarus.

The moral of this story: When a second chance comes along, seize it consciously and don’t screw it up.

Ixion’s perihelion, where he moves fastest in his orbit, is Aries; his node is Gemini. Chill. No need to act impulsively, impetuously or in an impudent manner. While speaking, boast not. Engage in no gossip. Stick to facts and focus only upon what you bring to the table in negotiating that critical second chance.

So if previous contacts surface, or if you wish to rekindle potential opportunities that have gone cold, keep in mind why negotiations went south before. This time, keep things on track, clear, and abandon the concern that it - it being whatever went wrong before - might happen again. Should you want to create a second chance, go for it. The timing is ripe.

Next, Jupiter takes the opposite point on the celestial fulcrum to Pholus on May 17th. Pholus, a wise and just centaur unlike most of the rowdy centaurian beasts, was entrusted by Dionysus with sacred wine. When Hercules came to visit, Pholus uncorked the sacred wine to please his guest and poured without proper ceremony. Centaurs in the region of Pholus’ cave smelled the wine and attacked, demanding their share. Hercules ended up taking out a bunch of them with arrows that had been poisoned by Chiron. In that debacle Chiron was wounded by a deflected arrow - one he had himself poisoned.

The messages here based upon Pholus’ node and perihelion in Cancer: Always treat food and drink with reverence. Toast, say grace, propitiate, pray. Before engaging in real world activities, consider the surroundings. Think in terms of long-term consequence, allowing that track to override short term gratification issues. Be smart. Stay reverent.

Not to be neglected is yet another square in the ongoing Uranus to Pluto saga forming up on May 21st. The message: Find the zone in which you perfectly function as a complete free-thinking spirit. No need to be roped in by social rules that fail to fit your nature. No need to be so rebellious that you become revolting. Avoid Plutocratic urges and invoke the generosity of Pluto. Reach out to those who intend to make things better on the planet while following that path yourself. Those who get shaken out of the Tower (ala the Tarot) are those clinging to structures, situation and concepts that do not further.

On May 27th, Jupiter, with Venus and Mercury, come into an opposition with the “grieve-lament and heal” centaur, Hylonome - how appropriate for Memorial Day. Hylonome’s perihelion lies in Libra, her node in Virgo. She represents the need to overcome fretting of pesky, distracting details, loss of a familial or interpersonal relationship through break up or death, and the sense of having missed out on work situations, and life regrets in general.

When planets track Hylonome, sometimes a strange, incidental event opens the floodgates for catharsis to follow. If you’re feeling overly emotional watching your latest movie download, go with it. Indulge the clearing. There’s no need to dissect your reactions in the moment. If someone at work says something that triggers an inexplicable feeling inside, go home. Sit with it. Ride the wave until the feeling concludes.

Jupiter next stands opposite the creation myth Kuiper Belt Object, Quaoar, as May closes and June rolls around. Essentially, Quaoar gave birth to “all that is” through celebration, song, chanting and dance. His perihelion is in Pisces, bringing in the creative mojo. His node is in Libra, yet he’s one of those who can sing as if no one is listening and dance as if no one is watching.

Here the essence is one of imaging the perfect outcomes in life. Riding on the previous Jupiter interactions, remember to remain open to getting it right this time. Maintain reverence and stay attentive to the Divine. Clear regret and lament. That done, Quaoar is more than willing and ready to inspire a song and dance routine that can mark the beginning of a new era of consciousness of personal reality creation. With conscious intent for an ever-improving life, the creative celebration will be seen for what it is.

Yes, these are Jupiter transits. Situations in life will be louder, closer, brighter and more rich in drama than the baseline of life. That’s to grab your attention and stir up conscious, well-steered activity. And yes, Jupiter transits sometimes promise things that do not materialize. My experience of that effect is that it is the result of a lack of readiness. Most folks respond to Jupiter when he offers his bump in the polls of life. One must be ready to be fully engaged, not just starting, when Jupiter transits mature, giving you a shove to the center ring of the circus of life. Be dressed as ringmaster, voice warmed up and histrionic gestures necessary to make your point, perfectly in place.

So, get ready to get going. Starting a week from now and playing the rest of the month is Jupiter-driven. Read the marquis. Enter life’s movie multiplex and decide which of the many scenarios playing best suits your goals. It should be fun.